Monday, May 31, 2010

Calvary Chapel San Diego | July 2010

During the month of July, I'll be speaking at Calvary Chapel San Diego on Sunday mornings and evenings. In the mornings, I'll be teaching a series from 1 John called "Reality". In the evenings, a series from Colossians called "The Supremacy of Christ". If you're in the area, I'd love to invite you to come and study the Bible with Calvary Chapel San Diego. For more information, visit the Calvary Chapel San Diego website:


  1. I happened to check out your blog, because I read there was flooding in Alagoas,and wanted to see if there was any comment. (yes I realize it's quite far from Curitiba). Hope all are fine,& may the Lord comfort the hurting people. We at CCSD look forward to seeing you and your family, and to hear what the Lord has for us as He wills. Lord bless you and your family.

  2. also, it's a nice blog, and thank you for sharing.
