Thursday, May 13, 2010

Church Members Meeting

On Saturday, our church met for the first of two membership meetings. God is doing a good work in Calvary in Curitiba, and it's exciting to see Him forming a core fellowship of Christians that call this church "home". Our meetings give me time to revisit our core beliefs and goals as a church. We want to be solid in five areas:

1. First, and foremost is CHRIST. 2 John 1:7-11 tells us that it is impossible to be a Christian while denying the essential Biblical doctrines about Jesus. For this reason, we reaffirmed our beliefs in Him as God, Man, Sacrifice, Savior, and King. We also embrace Him as the builder, foundation, head, and shepherd of the church.

2. Second, CREED. We believe the Bible to be God's inspired and inerrant word. We believe in one God, and he is triune. We believe in Jesus Christ to be God Incarnate. We believe in the deity and personality of Holy Spirit. We believe that all humanity is guilty of sin and in need of a Savior. We believe that salvation is by grace through faith in Christ alone. We believe in heaven and hell as being real places.

3. Third, CHURCH. The "universal" Church refers to all Christians in all places in all times. The "local" church refers to a local gathering of Christians to worship God and serve each other. Within the local church, God has established leaders called "elders; overseers; pastors" to teach people about Him, and to serve them, pointing them to Jesus. He also established "deacons" to serve people.

4. Fourth, COMMUNITY. We enter God's community through faith in Christ. Being Jesus' disciples, we esteem the importance of water baptism. This is an outward symbol of an inward reality--our union with Christ. As a community, we demonstrate our love for Jesus by our love and service towards each other through the power of the Spirit. Our desire is to be a fellowship of Christians that is practically showing off God's glory in our relationships with one another.

5. Fifth, COMMISSION. Jesus commanded His followers to preach the Gospel and make disciples. We believe that this responsibility is for all Christians. Therefore, we encourage all members in Calvary to participate in fulfilling "Christ's Great Commission". This includes evangelism and missions.

Calvary exists because of Jesus. Calvary exists to worship Jesus. Calvary is all about Jesus.

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